Gettings started

Selecting a plan and Device is simple

Step1 : Do you get ATT,Verizon or T-Mobile best at you location

Based on your best cell phone signal will decided your membership plan

T-Mobile = Stage 1 Frosted Plan

$80 a month For Frosted Plan

AT&T = Stage 2 Chill Plan

$82 a Month For Chill Plan

Verizon = Stage 3 Fire Plan Or Fire Plan +

$92 a Month for FirePlan or $100 a Month For + Plan

The Difference between the plus and regular Fire plan and the Fire Plan + plan is a coperate level plan meaning it wont slow down in times of congestion

Step3: Once you figure out which plan you needed click the get started below!! This will allow pay you start up fee and chose the plan you want for your device , start up fees may vary from $190-$220 depending on plan and modem type you chose

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